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Saturday, 23 March 2013

preloved make up stuff for sale (make up untuk andaman)

salam & hi readers,

atah nak let go a few make up yg consider affordable & very cheap. atah guna masa mule2 belajar make up pengantin. so skrg nak upgrade pd jenama mcm MAC, Benefit and Bobby Brown. jd atah fikir, let go jer la brg2 ni with cheap price.

pls note harga xmasuk postage k. sape nak, pls sms atah at 0193065569. time tu atah akan bg total price with postage. COD available at Rawang, Sg Buloh and Cheras Leisure Mall only. tq. free gift upon purchase :)

L'oreal Base Magique (digunakan sbg base makeup)
Condition: 90% left

Kryolan TV Paint Stick in 5W
Condition: Used 3 times only

Meiko Naturactor made in japan cover cream in 151
Condition: Used twice only 

Revlon Beyond Natural Smoothing Primer (base make up gak)
Condition: Used once only 

Kiss Beauty 14 color baked and shimmer blusher
Condition: 90% left 

Suamei duo shading
Condition: Used few times only 

Naturactor cover cream made in china (from left to right - 150, 151, 152)
Kod 150 - RM15 (used twice only)
Kod 151 & 152 - RM10 (left 70%)

FCC terracota powder, blusher & bronzer
Condition: Left 95%


  1. yg latest sy nak letgo boleh gi kat link ni:

    klu nak, sms sy 0193065569
